
Posts Tagged ‘moving’

Anyone reading this blog knows that I have sold my condo and moved into Bill’s house.  Finally, the closing took place on Thursday and was bittersweet.  I have mentioned in earlier posts that I hated to sell my little piece of the world but now that it’s over and done; I can look forward to retirement in the fall.

The garage looks only slightly better than it did in an earlier post and the sewing room looks worse.  It will probably be at least a couple of weeks before I get it cleaned up enough to get some sewing done.  That makes me grouchy.  Unfortunately, another post with no quilting news.  Oh wait!  I got Greg’s monkey quilt back for the LA quilter and it looks great.  Now to find the time and space to get the binding on.  He will be here for the weekend but he won’t be getting it this time; maybe before the summer ends.

It rained for most of the month of June, effectively cutting our short Maine summer even shorter.  GGRRR!  Many of the potted plants, along with those in the garden, are moldy and being eaten by slugs.  GGRRR!   The sun finally came out yesterday and I was able to shake some slug bait into the gardens.  Hopefully that will slow them down.

Bill has been wanting to have a cookout for the past several years and tonight is the night.  I am working all day but he recruited Wendy to help get things ready.  He is grilling steak tips and turkey tips, along with smoking some ribs.  There will be several salads plus whatever our guests decide to bring along.  I told everyone that all they really needed to bring was chairs and a beverage if they didn’t want beer or soda (pop for those of you west of the Mississippi).

We spent some time yesterday getting the yard in order and putting some lights up around the canopy.  The weather has cleared since our weeks of rain.  We had a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon but the evening was perfect.  I’m hoping for the same tonight.  It is not as hot today and the radar doesn’t show any storms approaching.

We have a nice firepit for a campfire and the yard is surrounded by torches, which we hope will keep the bugs down if they become a problem.

I’m not much for parties and look forward to it being over and everyone going home.  However, once I get home and everything falls into place, I will have a good time along with everyone else.

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Relocation Day

Rain, all day, hard, pouring, soaking rain!  ARGH!!! It’s not easy moving in the rain.  I am physically relocated to Bill’s house.  It will take time to get materially and emotionally settled.

My closing is tentatively scheduled for the 25th but I’m hoping to have absolutely everything moved by the end of this week or next Monday at the latest.  We can move most of the stuff in the back of Bill’s car and should only need help with three or four big, heavy items.  I will do a little cleaning but it won’t be spotless.

Both of us worked last night and we both had runs during the night, taking away much of our beauty sleep.  We are pooped and ready for bed.  Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be more user friendly and we can get the bed moved.

The best thing to happen today was coffee with my best friend, Su.  It always lifts my spirits and feeds my soul.  Thanks, Su.

June 14, Flag Day, Relocation Day.

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Disorganized chaos

Two things I hate…disorganization and chaos.  Unfortunately at this point in my life, that’s exactly where I am.  I’m moving.  If you have followed this blog, you know that I have sold my condo and will be moving into my boyfriend’s house in preparation to retire in the fall.  Therefore, my place is a disaster.  I find it very discombobulating!  Some of my stuff is there, some of it here.  UGH!  There are boxes everywhere.

I have gotten rid of the diving room table and chairs; took those to my son’s house yesterday.  The bed from the spare bedroom went to my daughter’s apartment a few weeks ago.

It’s just too overwhelming to figure out what stays, what goes, what to sell or give away.  It’s easy when you are packing up a house and moving everything to another, empty house.  But this is different.  We are combining homes.  We are trying to move two 1200 sq. ft. residences into one.  What a pain in the neck.

I can’t even imagine when I will have a chance to sew again.  The sewing room there is stuffed full of everything that doesn’t fit somewhere else.  I’m depressed and discouraged.  I know it will all work out in the end but until then it’s not fun.

Moving mess 6.12.09

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Since my condo has been on the market since October and I recently lowered the asking price, I know that sooner or later it will be sold and I will make the move to Bill’s house.  Considering that I have had several months to clean out things, I haven’t moved very quickly.  I did clean out a couple of closets but that was it until today.  Bill unexpectedly worked overtime which meant I had another “free” day at home.  Yeah!  I decided to tackle the mess under the sewing table.  For the most part, I knew what was there; no surprises.  However, what to do with it all.  I didn’t take any “before” photos but I did take one once I moved everything out from under the table…

the-mess-from-under-the-table-209What a mess.  There were several kits and collections of fabric…Lonni Rossi, brights, orientals and so on and so on.  There were assorted framed pictures that I move around the house during the year depending on the season.  Not to mention the cross stitch supplies.

I sorted out the spring/summer pictures and will take the others to Bill’s.  For the most part, the kits and collections can go to Bill’s since I’m working on the funky monkey quilt and binding the oriental flower.  I also plan to make a coordinating FM quilt for Ella (small,  so she can drag it around).  I managed to fill up one trash bag with stuff that I don’t want, don’t need.  The big problem is what to do with the larger pieces of fabric, one or two yards, that don’t fit anywhere.  Of course, they will find a new home at Bill’s.  I did text him to see if it was too late to put on an addition.  He laughed.

the pile for Bill's house

the pile for Bill's house

There were a few things that went back under the table, mostly thread and bags with scraps cut into strips.  I also cleaned off the top of the table, which was just as bad as underneath.  Why can’t it stay clean?

neat and clean

neat and clean

I did come across the comforter that Su made for Greg when he graduated.  He gave it to me years ago to repair because the border was fraying.  I put it out of mind because I’m not sure how to go about fixing it.  Guess it’s time I figured it out.

needs repair

Lastly, I spent yesterday sewing…all day.  I got the small FM blocks assembled and three of the larger blocks put together.  I also decided to bind the oriental flower in a red fabric that I came across.

Two productive days; back to work tomorrow.  boo hoo

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A big decision day

I started this blog with the idea of sharing some of my quilting projects with friends but also as a place to express my feelings about changes taking place in my life.  Today was a big change day.  I listed my condo for sale and once it is sold I will be moving into Bill’s house with him.  I have been giving this some thought for several months and at first considered waiting until spring; however, taking into consideration the housing and mortgage market I decided the more time I could have it listed, the better.  I made the decision based on the fact that in only 335 days I will be retiring and I can’t afford to make two mortgage payments on my pension income.  In addition, Bill and I have talked about sharing our lives when we both retire next year and this will be the first step in that direction.

The problem with this decision is that I Love My Condo.  It is the only place that has ever been MINE in my entire life.  I have decorated it the way I Like!  The only mess I have to clean up is Mine!  It feels good to be there.  Realistically, I don’t spend much time there.  It doesn’t make much sense to be making a monthly payment for space I don’t use effectively.

Bill is very supportive and is willing to do just about anything and everything that might make me feel more comfortable and at home in his home.  It will be an adjustment for both of us, I’m sure.

So, this is a BIG step for me.  Actually, it was kind of a depressing day.  I will start packing up some things and moving those boxes to Bill’s.  I don’t know where we are going to put everything but we will sort it out and make room as we need it.

Wish me luck!

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