
Archive for August, 2009

I was going to enter these in my previous post about “Fun at Camp” but decided it was already too long so I’m doing a separate list…

having my family around for an entire week

the blue pond

the bluer sky

the laughing of the loons

good food

reading as long as I want

playing games at the kitchen table from the 50’s (the table not the games)

sand between my toes

floating on the big yellow party float

having “pamma bananas” by the campfire

sleeping late every day

waking up to the birds

paddling the canoe around the pond and visiting “turtle rock”

watching the kids catch fish

seeing more stars than I thought possible

turtle heads popping up in the water

the inevitable trip to North Conway

playing miniature golf

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My secret sister from MQResourse sent me this great pile of selvages before I went on vacation.  Isn’t she the best?

SS selvage surprise

SS selvage surprise

Now to get sewing and make something spectacular more than ordinary.

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Another week at “Fun at Camp” has come and gone.  This year was a little different because Greg, Vanessa and Ella came and spent the entire week.  That meant a whole week enjoying my granddaughter.  She is getting so big and is walking, although tentatively.  She gets around so much faster crawling that I think she prefers speed over technique.

Fun at Camp 8.09 033

Bill, Wendy and I arrived late Friday afternoon about 30 minutes before a horrendous thunderstorm struck the area.  It was very scary.  Lightening was striking everywhere around us.  Wendy was a little panicky because we didn’t have cell service and she was afraid something would happen and we would have no way of telling anyone we needed help.  Thankfully, that wasn’t necessary.  Neither of us liked it very much but Bill didn’t seem too shaken by the whole thing.

For the most part, the weather was good all week.  We were able to spend some time on the beach every day, even though it clouded up in the afternoon early in the week.  We took advantage of a cloudy day on Sunday and went to play miniature golf.  Well, it was cloudy when we left but was pouring by the time we called it quits somewhere around the 8th hole.  Everyone was drenched but that didn’t stop us from getting ice cream on the way home.

We spent time doing what we always do at camp…reading, floating, eating, relaxing, listening to the Red Sox (that can be a real downer sometimes, though).

Fun at Camp 8.09 067

Fun at Camp 8.09 068

Speaking of mosquitoes.  We were warned that they were very numerous this summer.  That was a understatement!  They were awful.  Usually, when we sit around the campfire at night, there are a few mosquitoes.  However, this year they were swarming all day.  Even though it didn’t rain every afternoon when it got cloudy, we couldn’t go outside and just sit because we would be eaten alive.  The little kids are very tasty to the darn things…they were full of little red bites.  Ella got most of them on her face and Trevor got them around his ankles.  Even though we slathered them with all kinds of kid safe bug killer, they still got lots of bites.  Finally, by the end of the week and cooler temperatures, they subsided, which allowed us to sit by the lake and read.  The only good thing about them was the fact that they were small and slow.  If you spotted them landing on you they were easy to smack.

It was an entire week without internet, which felt a little strange.  Funny how quickly the computer, e-mail, Facebook, Google etc. have become a staple of our existence.

Needless to say, I haven’t gotten any sewing done lately.  After completing the hanging sleeve for the “Oriental Flower” I actually got a few inches sewn down.  I planned to work on it a little last night but by the time we spent about 10 hours, packing, cleaning, unpacking and putting away, I couldn’t keep my eyes open much past 9.  I had to return to work today so going to bed early was not a problem.

Bill and I traveled to North Conway one afternoon to pick up some staples at the grocery store.  We stopped at a great little quilt shop there.  Of course, we couldn’t leave without buying something.  Bill purchased a charm pack of Halloween fabrics so that I can make something to decorate Wendy’s apartment.

Spook Tacular charm park

I found some butterfly fabric which I have started to collect for a quilt for Vanessa.  It was on sale for $3.99/yd so I bought the end of the bolt, 2 3/4 yards, which I can use for the backing.  I also bought some bee fabric on sale to use for the backing of Wendy’s bee quilt, which I haven’t started but have all the fabric I need.

butterfly & bee fabrics

Now to make a decision on the pattern.  I want to make a scalloped edge which I have never done before and am thinking about some applique but that may mean that I don’t finish it for another several years.  That’s just too long.

I have 9 more shifts and 16 more days to work before retirement.  I’m getting excited.  I have an interview with Loews on Monday for a part-time position.  They are opening a new store in town so it would be perfect.  I’m crossing my fingers!

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orange (prompt from 4.17.09)

"Orange" (prompt from 4.17.09)

A marigold from the garden.

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Paralyzed by indecision

Decision making is not my forte. Even the smallest decisions, like where to meet a friend for lunch, take forever.  Ridiculous, really.  I don’t believe I have ever made a terrible decision, nothing life threatening anyway.  But I’m just so darned indecisive.

I want to be creative.  I want to make things. I want to sell things.  I want to surprise my friends with my ideas.  But how can I do any of that if I can’t decide what to do?  There are so many great ideas bouncing around in my head but I can’t get started.  I am paralyzed when I find the time to create.  I can’t figure out where to begin, what to make, what color to use, do I need to buy something or do I have what I need.  I don’t know the answers because I…can’t…get…started!!!  So I don’t create anything.  Then I’m angry with myself.

I follow a lot of blogs and I’m constantly amazed at how creative and prolific people are.  Do you create; how do you get started?  What is your process.  How do you find the time when  there is so much other “stuff” that has to get done?  What do you do first?  Do you decide on an item that you want to make, or choose a fabric that intrigues you, or get an idea and put it into a journal?  I honestly have no idea how creative people create.  I don’t think I’m artistic but I have so many ideas that I have to get them out and make room for more.

I will have a longarm machine within the next year and I’m afraid that I will have the same problem.  I’m afraid I will load a quilt and just stand there looking at it, unable to decide where to start or what design to use.  I’m afraid I will continue to be paralyzed.

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I’m behind in the endeavor but here is another “prompt” response (but not very prompt)

 "Beacon" 4.24.09

"Beacon" (prompt from 4.24.09)

This is Bass Harbor Headlight in Maine.

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misc 022

Greg’s funky monkey quilt is done, completely done.  I finished the label tonight and got it sewed onto the back.  I don’t know exactly how long this has taken but it seems like…forever.  Seriously, why can’t I complete a quilty project faster?  Answer…I don’t sew often enough.

The quilt has been called Greg’s Funkey Monkey quilt but I changed it on the label.  It is now (drum roll, please) “For The Love of Monkeys”.  TaDa  It is kind of a play on “for the love of money” and I thought it sounded cute.  After all, it is his love of sock monkeys that created a need for this quilt.

"For The Love of Monkeys"

"For The Love of Monkeys"

pieced back

pieced back

Hanging from the line

Hanging from the line

Hopefully, we will travel down the beginning of next week and present it to him.  I’m giving Vanessa the “tote bag from hell” which she commented she really liked the last time they were here.  On top of that, I have several outfits for Ella that I want her to have before she outgrows them.

Only 3 weeks until we all go to camp.   That will prove to be interesting; hope it all goes well.

Only 43 days till retirement; that will prove to be interesting as well.

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Creative Prompt

If you are interested in joining the Creative Prompt Project created by ArtQuiltmaker, head over to this page and check out the details.  There is a very cute button that will take you there but I can’t seem to get it to load so you will have to follow the above link.

I thought my interpretation had to be a drawing or a craft of some kind but Jaye advised me that I can also use my photos.  So I have decided to jump in.  I’m waaaaay behind since this started in February but I’ll do what I can.

I’m trying to get involved in different arenas in an effort to open myself to creativity, since I don’t think I’m creative but I really, really want to be.

The prompt for 6.5.09 was “here to there” and this is my entry…

"here to there"

"here to there"

Thanks to Jaye for letting me join and providing inspiration to be creative.

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